Saturday, October 27, 2007



Compiled by Professor Lynne Scott Jackson :: The City College of New York and New York University :: :: 917.748.8917

>> Scroll down for INTERNSHIPS at Smithsonian Magazine (journalism focus - Nov. 1 deadline) and exciting 10-week PR opportunity at Florida’s Orlando Sentinel newspaper, plus Drum TV an exciting Harlem-based broadcast internship opportunity!

From Professor Lynn Appelbaum :: City College of New York

Lynn D. Appelbaum, APR ,Fellow PRSA
Advertising/PR Program Director
Dept. of Media & Communications Arts
The City College of New York
138th Street & Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
(212) 650-6561


Subject: Question and Spring Interns
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 11:55:59 -0400

Hi Lynn,

Hope all is well. I was hoping you can answer 2 questions for me:

1) We are looking for a research analyst – someone with 5 or so years of experience and/or with a graduate degree in social work/social marketing/industrial psychology. Do you have a contact for someone within CUNY who handles such programs? We’d love to reach out to them to see if there is a recent graduate student or alumni who may be a fit. It is working on two really interesting accounts – ONDCP (anti-drug campaigns for teenagers - and Census 2010, which is a hotbed for consumer and social marketing, with a ton of multicultural experience etc.

2) We’d love to talk about possibilities for Spring interns – when do you think you will start that process?

Thanks again Lynn,


Lisa DuJat
VP, HR Director

100 West 33rd Street. 6th floor
New York, NY 10001
T + 1 212 885-3633
F + 1 646 619-4036


Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)

Thursday, Nov. 15, 2007

Shepard Hall, Room #290 - Cohen Resource Center - CCNY

Meet representatives from the CCNY Media Communication Arts alumni group (yes friends, there is one), plus network with like-minded classmates and alums who can keep you in the mix! Note plans are in the works for an expanded CCNY - MCA alumni group to handle the special needs of recent grads and those who seek entry level / junior positions within the communications profession. More on this later …

Important! Have you joined PRSSA? Membership is $41 and includes a 1-year subscription to PR Tactics Magazine – chocked full of useful information you can use in class, as well as in your future career. Why not pay your Spring tuition, but pass on a few snacks or unnecessary trinkets and join this important industry group. Treat yourself by investing in your career development! To learn more, contact CCNY PRSSA President Maria Martinez,

We look forward to seeing you Nov. 15! If you can’t attend, bounce this email / link to others. Continue to EXPAND your academic, social and professional networks. Word to the wise: if you pass info to others, useful info comes to you when you least expect it. Hence, your stock rises as a valuable team player!


The following is from Carole Dudley, Career Development Howard University. Respond to organizations directly; Ms. Dudley DOES NOT have additional info. As a Howard alum and former student leader (communications student government president & Editor-In-Chief, The Hilltop weekly campus student newspaper), I’m an active member of the John H. Johnson School of Communications. Hence, I remain on the list serve and take pleasure in sharing these opportunities with you!

While you may not have the skills to take advantage of these opportunities immediately (some are full-time positions), understand what employers are looking for. Perhaps you’ll see a job that suits your unique talents. Or, you can understand what electives you may have to take to make yourself even more attractive to a future employer. It pays to plan ahead and develop “You Inc.”.

That said, take stock of your CCNY classmates. The people sitting next to you ARE powerful young entrepreneurs, executive directors of for impact community and global organizations – and future executives at Paramount Pictures, Google, JP Morgan Chase and Ralph Lauren to name a few.

Trust me … and track your colleagues’ success!



COMMUNITY RELATIONS COORDINATOR. Develop, implement annual training,
technical assistance plan for member programs, create appropriate training
materials, develop/implement annual outreach, communication plans, build
media relations, field media inquiries, create fact sheets, talking points
on targeted issues. Req excel public speaking, communication skills,
commitment to women¹s issues, sexual assault crisis counselor/advocate
certification. Mid-hi $30s. Resume/ltr to Laura Cordes, CONNSACS, 96 Pitkin
Street, East Hartford, CT 06108; fax 860-291-9335;; email App ddl 10/26/07.

BUSINESS NEWS REPORTER. Freelance position. Work as line, item producers.
Req know economics, biz news agenda, TV journalism exp. Resume/ltr to John
Mervin, Editor (New York), Business Programmes, BBC News, 450 West 33rd
, New York, NY 10001
. No phone calls.

WEATHER/ENTERTAINMENT ANCHOR. Report weather segment on morning news show,
some entertainment reporting, advise newsroom of entertainment events. Req
BA/BS journalism, 5 yrs weather reporting exp on major market TV station,
bilingual Eng/Spanish, pref ASM certification, ability to use Galileo
weather system. Resume/ltr/demo tape to Norma Morato, News Director,
WXTV-Channel 41, 500 Frank W. Burr Blvd, #19, Teaneck, NJ 07666. No phone

Write, report for ³Around the Mall² dept, website. Req BA/BS or MA/MS,
excel writing skills, pref science, culture, history background. $12/hour.
Resume/ltr/3-5 clips/3 refs to Megan Gambino, Attn: Intern Application, PO
Box 37012 MRC 513, Washington, DC 20013-7012; email
(subj: Intern Application). App ddl 11/01/07.

WRITER/EDITOR. Draft articles covering membership, training, programs,
interview members, faculty, staff, cover meetings, write headlines,
captions, subheads, coordinate magz artwork, take photos. Req BA/BS
journalism/Eng, 2 yrs professional writing/editing exp on periodical magz,
web writing exp, excel Eng lang skills, know Chicago, AP style. Email
resume/ltr/sal req to Walter Morris, Managing Editor, Parenteral Drug
Association, Bethesda, MD, (subj: Writer/Editor).

WEBMASTER AND E-OUTREACH COORDINATOR. Post new content to website, update
content daily, verify hyperlinks, assist w/ writing, editing, disseminating
online communications incl action alerts, e-newsletters, blogs, membership
appeals, research, implement, evaluate web-based communication, advocacy,
mktg tools, prep reports on web traffic, email campaigns. Req BA/BS, 2-3
yrs exp, excel writing, editing skills, know HTML, content mgmt systems,
graphics software, internet tools, MS Office, pref know global HIV/AIDS/rel
issues. Resume/ltr/sal req/1-2 short writing samples to Cathy Lemp, Global
AIDS Alliance, 1413 K Street NW, 4th Floor, Washington, DC 20005; fax
202-789-0715;; email
(subj: Webmaster). App ddl 10/31/07.

COPY EDITOR. Natl women¹s magz. Req excel InDesign, MS Word, spelling,
grammar, punctuation skills, know AP style, extensive copy editing exp. Fax
resume/ltr to TF, 201-569-2756; email (subj:
Copy Editor). No phone calls. Pos in NJ.

FEATURES EDITOR. Manage ³Around the Hill² section, addl elements, oversee
articles, columns, manage intern program, work w/ editors to determine daily
lineup. Req 3-5 yrs editing exp, ability to mentor junior reporters, know
Capitol Hill, Congress. Resume/ltr/sal hist/sal req to HR Department, Roll
Call, 50 F Street NW, #700, Washington, DC 20001; fax 202-824-0475; email No phone calls.

COPYWRITER/PROMOTIONS COORDINATOR. Write copy for quarterly newsletters,
brochures, signage, annual report, work w/ art director, freelance graphic
designers, write scripts, record messages for phone info hotline,
write/submit events listings to media, parks dept website, maintain press
contacts database, oversee distribution of printed materials. Req writing
exp, excel interpersonal skills, know MS Word, Excel, Photoshop,
Illustrator, driver¹s license, pref BA/BS. Resume/ltr to Diane Newman,
Prospect Park Alliance, 95 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215; fax
718-965-6950;; email App ddl
COPY EDITOR. Edit stories for biz, features, news, opinion, sports
sections. Req BA/BS, 3 yrs copy editing exp at daily newspaper, headline
writing skills, ability to work w/ reporters, line editors, designers,
photographers. Resume/ltr/samples to Jann Nyffeler, Copy Desk Chief,
Democrat and Chronicle, 55 Exchange Blvd, Rochester, NY 14614; email

WEB EDITOR. Manage content for website, develop story ideas, edit,
supervise multiple bloggers, write online content, compile resources, direct
video, photography. Req 1-2 yrs editorial exp in web, print journalism,
passion for architectural coverage, home improvement, strong writing,
editing skills, know content mgmt software, online publishing tools.
Resume/ltr/sal req/3 clips to Ms. Tracy Durkin, Urbanite, 2002 Clipper Park
Road, #400, Baltimore, MD 21211; fax 410-243-2115;; email (subj: Home
Web Editor). No phone calls.

ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR. Photo research, work on website, pitch ideas to
editors, negotiate prices. Req strong knowledge of celebrity photo
agencies, excel phone skills, know photo sharing sites, blogging, pref
Photoshop, Graphic Converter exp. Email resume/ltr/sal req to Human
Resources, Wenner Media LLC, New York, NY 10104,

PROOFREADER. Proof, edit materials for grammar, consistency, correct
grammar, typographical, compositional errors. Req exp w/ AMA, AP, Chicago
style, ability to proof styles, formats for multiple projects, clients.
Resume/ltr to The Medical Knowledge Group, 666 Third Avenue, 18th Floor, New
York, NY 10017; email;
FEATURES WRITER/EDITOR. Write, edit pieces for range of publications incl
annual donor report, fundraising brochures, web, fundraising manuals for
staff. Req strong journalism, AP editing skills, 2 yrs writing exp, pref
know web, web writing skills. Email resume/ltr to The Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation, Bethesda, MD,;

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, COMMUNICATIONS. Begin fall 2008. Teach undergrad, grad
courses in communications. Pref PhD, pref communications major, research
agenda in media studies incl medical ecology, technological convergence,
emerging forms of journalism, strong research background. Resume/ltr/3
refs/stmt of research program to Dr. Ernest Hakanen, Chair, Search
Committee, Drexel University, Department of Culture and Communication,
Building 47, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104;
App ddl 11/01/07.

Teach communication technology courses incl graphic product layout/design,
prepress, printing, bindery operations, desktop, traditional/digital
photography, videography, web page design, networking, multimedia authoring,
production, print mgmt, orgz/maintain contemp graphic communication lab,
supervise interns. Req MA/MS, ABD status toward PhD graphic
communications/industrial technology/technology education/rel, know basic,
advanced printing, imaging processes, procedures, professional exp managing
printing operations, pref PhD, college teaching exp.
Resume/ltr/transcripts/3 original rec ltrs to Dr. Tom Bell, Search Committee
Chair, Industry & Technology Department/CHE 1012, Millersville University,
PO Box 1002, Millersville, PA 17551-0302;

ASSISTANT EDITOR. Edit magz, website. Req 2-4 yrs exp, strong writing,
editing skills, ability to expand website, love words, ancient history, pref
know layout programs. Lo $30s. Resume/ltr/writing samples to BAS Editor,
4710 41st Street NW, Washington, DC 20016; email

FREELANCE CAMERA OPERATOR. Req1 yr exp in studio operations in live
production environment, camera operation skills, know camera eqt, ability to
frame, focus, zoom, know lighting, concepts, eqt, video operations, camera
positions. Resume/ltr to Fox News Channel, Human Resources, 2nd Floor, 1211
Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036; fax 212-301-8588;; email

PAGINATOR/DESIGNER. Design front page, package stories, incorporate new
elements into newspaper. Req 2 yrs exp, InDesign skills. Resume/ltr/clips to
Stephanie Southworth, Executive Editor, 99 Main Street, Bristol, CT 06010;

WEB SITE PROJECT ASSOCIATE. Manage website, online community, develop web
content, functionality, implement strategies to attract new users to
website, troubleshoot, resolve technical issues, develop interactive
features on website, work w/ African journalism entities. Req BA/BS
communications/rel, media/project mgmt exp, know online forums, excel
writing, editing, proofing skills in French, English, some knowledge of
Portuguese, interest in conflict resolution, sub-Saharan Africa.
Resume/ltr/sal req to Search for Common Ground, 1601 Connecticut Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20009;; email App ddl

OUTREACH COORDINATOR. Market, promote work of research analysts for Center
for Defense Information, which covers space security, missile defense,
military reform, nuclear proliferation, coordinate PR activities, handle
advertising, event mgmt, donor relations, manage publications, intern
program. Req BA/BS journalism/Eng/political science/communications/rel,
fluent Eng, know AP, Chicago style, MS Office, Pagemaker, Photoshop, HTML,
exp in defense or foreign policy, intl relations, intl communications, pref
MA/MS. Resume/ltr/3-5 pg writing sample to Editorial Coordinator Search
Committee, World Security Institute, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW, #615,
Washington, DC 20036
; email App ddl 11/01/07.

WRITER. Website for IT, biz professionals. Req 3 yrs exp covering IT,
daily news writing exp, excel writing, reporting skills, ability to break
news. Resume/ltr to Jupitermedia Corp, 23 Old Kings Highway South, Darien,
CT 06820
; fax 203-656-2359; email Pos in
New York, NY bureau.

WEB ADMINISTRATOR. Maintain, enhance website, internet strategies, raise
orgz profile, adapt orgz templates used for user interface, develop ideas
for site development/design, monitor, analyze, report web statistics,
maintain membership data. Req BA/BS or 2 yrs exp/training, web
communications exp, know HTML, Dreamweaver, layout exp, strong proofing,
copyediting, interpersonal skills. $55k. Resume/ltr/sal req to Barry
Goldklang, International Planned Parenthood/Western Hemisphere Region, 120
Wall Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10005;; email App ddl 12/08/07.

COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST. Develop, implement media strategy, disseminate
info, work w/ reporters, commentators, draft press releases, set up
interviews, speaking engagements, arrange logistics for press conferences,
maintain website. Req excel communication, orgz, multitasking skills,
website maintenance exp. Resume/ltr to Communications Director, USCIRF, 800
N. Capitol Street NW, #790, Washington, DC 20002; fax 202-523-5020; email

WRITER/INVESTIGATOR. Public records research, interview employees,
partners, parties to litigation, write analytical summaries for financial
deals, investments. Req strong research, writing skills, pref editing,
journalism, research exp. Email resume/ltr to First Advantage Corp, New
York, NY,; e-fax 646-365-3147.

VIDEO NEWS REPORTER. News program for pet industry website. Req BA/BS
journalism &/or 2 yrs exp writing features, passion for pets, pref broadcast
exp in front of camera w/ teleprompter. Resume/ltr/writing
samples/headshot/video reel to Pet Pulse, 400 Plaza Drive, 1st Floor,
Secaucus, NJ 07094; email

PRINT PRODUCTION ASSISTANT. Direct mktg fundraising consulting agency. Req
1-2 yrs exp, know Excel, Word. Resume/ltr/sal req to Lautman Maska Neill &
Company, 1730 Rhode Island Avenue NW, #301, Washington, DC 20036;; email App ddl 12/08/07.

COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATE. Assist at conferences, workshops, meetings, prep
materials, correspondence, coordinate prep, editing, formatting, production,
archiving of project publications, maintain project databases, assist w/
compilation of project reporting. Req BA/BS intl communication/intl
development/public health, excel writing, editorial, communication, orgz
skills, know MS Office, pref MA/MS, intl development, event planning exp,
desktop exp. Resume/ltr to Human Resources Dept, Academy for Educational
Development, 1825 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20009-5721; fax

Tenure track, begin fall 2008. Teach intro, core courses in media
institutions, contemp issues in media, area of specialization. Req PhD,
pref multimedia production exp, teaching excellence. Resume/ltr/support
materials/3 refs to Search Committee, Dept of Broadcasting,
Telecommunications and Mass Media, Temple University, Annenberg Hall
(011-00), 2020 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122;

FREELANCE COPYEDITORS/PROOFREADERS. 12 hours/week. Online geographic
encyclopedia. Req copyediting/proofing exp, broadband internet connection,
Windows-based access to online editing system, speed/accuracy. $18/hr.
Resume/ltr to Mr. James Pakiela, Columbia University Press, 136 South
Broadway, Irvington, NY 10533; email (subj: Freelance

NEWS EDITOR. New DC-based natl news site. Create, execute news agenda,
develop news, investigative, features stories, shape editorial strategy.
Req 2 yrs exp reporting/editing Washington news, ability to write/edit news
stories, know policy, legislation, workings of federal govt, pref technical
skills, know online developments. $75K. Resume/ltr to Ms. Alexandra
Savino, The Center for Independent Media, 1825 Connecticut Avenue NW, #625,
Washington, DC 20009; email

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, ENGLISH. Tenure track. Teach composition. Req PhD,
interest in assisting w/ admin of writing program. Resume/ltr to Professor
Melissa Ianetta, Search Committee, Chair, University of Delaware Department
of English, 212 Memorial Hall, Newark, DE 19716-2537;
App ddl 11/01/07. (From 09/21/07 issue)

DEVELOPMENT WRITER. Research, write grant proposals, reports, produce
written materials incl newsletters, annual reports, brochures, support
fundraising efforts. Req excel writing, editing, analytical, communication,
research skills, commitment to social justice, pref journalism, fundraising
exp. Resume/ltr/sal req/2 writing samples (max 10 pgs) to Human Resources,
Re: Development Writer, Center for Community Change, 1536 U Street NW,
Washington, DC 20009; fax 202-387-4891; email App ddl 10/31/07. (From 09/21/07 issue)

WRITER/DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE. Produce grant reports, proposals, copy for
website, annual report, newsletter, implement new fundraising database,
serve as orgz webmaster, manage operations of fundraising office. Req
BA/BS, 2 yrs exp, excel writing, interpersonal, research, analytical,
planning skills, pref fund development exp. Resume/ltr/writing sample to
Sara Niccoli, Director of Development, Friends of Island Academy, 330 West
38th Street, New York, NY 10018; email App ddl 11/05/07. (From 09/21/07

GRAPHIC DESIGNER. Design, produce course catalog, newsletters, flyers,
calendars, posters, membership promotions, email mktg, some advertising.
Req 1 yr exp, strong print production skills, know digital graphics, orgz,
editing, communication skills, know InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, MS
Office. Resume/ltr/sal req to Luisa Viladas, Jewish Community Center, 1035
Newfield Avenue, Stamford, CT 06905; email App ddl
11/05/07. (From 09/21/07 issue)

COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT. Plan, develop communications activities,
materials, track communications outreach efforts, provide customer service
for publications, subscription orders, admin duties. Req BA/BS, interest in
reproductive health, know MS Word, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, internet,
excel communication skills. Resume/ltr to Linda Harris, The Guttmacher
Institute, 125 Maiden Lane, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10038; fax 212-558-6268;
email No phone calls. App ddl 11/05/07.
(From 09/21/07 issue)

WRITER/DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE. Perform grant writing activities incl
writing/coordinating grant reports/proposals, research prospective
individual, institutional donors, maintain/orgz funding info, manage
communications projects incl orgz website, newsletter, program reports,
represent agency/network w/ public/private funding sources. Req BA/BS, 2
yrs office exp, excel writing, admin, communications, orgz, research,
analytical skills, pref exp in fund development. Resume/ltr/writing sample
to Sara Niccoli, Director of Development, Friends of Island Academy, 330
West 38th Street, New York, NY 10018; email (preferred). App ddl 11/05/07. (From
09/21/07 issue)

WRITER/COMMUNICATOR. Develop strategy, oversee implementation of
communications program focused on great transition to sustainable global
future. Req know web-based tools, ability to translate complex economics,
social, environmental concepts for genl public. Resume/ltr to David
McAnulty, Director of Administration and Finance, Tellus Institute, 11
Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116-3411; fax 617-266-8303; email No phone calls. App ddl 11/03/07. (From 09/21/07 issue)

2008. Teach rhetoric, composition, coordinate 1st year writing/analysis
program. Req PhD rhetoric/composition/rel, admin exp, pref interest in
developmental writing, assessment, WAC/WID. Resume/ltr/official
transcripts/3 rec ltrs to Toni Furman, Administrative Secretary to Associate
Dean, Academic Affairs, Bloomfield College, 467 Franklin Street, Bloomfield,
NJ 07003; email App ddl 11/09/07. (From
09/21/07 issue)


STAFF REPORTER. Cover beat for weekly newspaper covering trucking, freight
transportation. Req BA/BS, 1 yr exp on daily/weekly publication, excel
writing skills. Email resume/ltr/sal hist to Transport Topics, Arlington,
, (subj: 30-1004-jj).

FEATURES EDITOR. 6-day afternoon paper. Cover features, backup page
design. Pref Quark skills, exp; will consider recent grad. Resume/ltr/3
refs/max 5 clips to Laura Coleman Noeth, Editor, The Kentucky New Era, 1618
E. 9th Street
, Hopkinsville, KY 42240
; email

PAGE DESIGN/COPY EDITOR. Assist on universal desk. Req page layout,
Photoshop exp, know AP style; will consider recent grad. Resume/ltr/design
clips to The Telegraph, c/o Ben Yoder, News Editor, 120 Broadway, Macon, GA

EDUCATION REPORTER. Cover education, students, teacher, budget cuts,
testing, dropouts, teacher quality. Req passion for covering education,
ability to cover beat for online, print, multidimensional projects.
Resume/ltr/5 education stories to Cindy Laraway, MP 1202, 7505 Warwick Blvd,
Newport News, VA 23607

MULTIMEDIA ANCHOR/REPORTER. Anchor, host daily news/features segment on
website of newspaper, handle variety of daily reporting assignments. Req
know web, production, creative skills, know audio/video. Resume/ltr/2
minute video on DVD of own daily news, feature show covering news of that
day, what¹s coming up and what people are talking about/250 words on why job
is for you to The Florida Times-Union, Attn: Human Resources, One Riverside
Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32202. (Send script if you don¹t have access to
camera, DVD recorder.)

CITY HALL REPORTER. Cover city hall, dig for stories of substance, texture.
Req passion for community journalism. Resume/ltr/5 clips to R. Lee
Wolverton, Managing Editor, The News Virginian, PO Box 1027, Waynesboro, VA
; email

EDUCATION REPORTER. Cover K-12 education. Req 5 yrs daily newspaper exp,
excel reporting, writing skills. Resume/ltr/8-10 writing samples to Kathy
Pellegrino, Recruitment Editor, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, 200 E. Las Olas
, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
; email

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, COMMUNICATION. Tenure track, begin 08/11/08. Teach
communication courses, advise studies. Req PhD speech/oral communication,
teaching exp in oral communication, basic speech courses, college teaching
exp, excel writing, interpersonal skills. Resume/ltr/stmt of teaching
philosophy/description of research interests/3 refs to Ms. Jill Sears,
Administrative Assistant to the Dean, Clayton State University, 2000 Clayton
State Boulevard, Morrow, GA 30260. App ddl 01/07/08.

integrating concentrations in print/electronic journalism, broadcast video
production, audio recording technology, teach senior seminar capstone course
to students in all 3 concentrations. Req PhD journalism/rel,
teaching/industry exp. Resume/ltr/3 rec ltrs/evidence of teaching
effectiveness/official transcripts of grad, undergrad work to Dr. Terrence
L. Grimes, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Barton College, PO Box
5000,Wilson, NC 27893-7000; email

SPORTS EDITING INTERNSHIP. 10 weeks, summer 2008. Edit copy, design pages.
Req strong interest in sports journalism, pref prior internship at daily
newspaper. $525/week; no housing. Resume/ltr/7 clips of copy editing,
headline writing, design skills/journalism-rel refs to Mr. Dana S. Eagles,
Staff Development Editor, Orlando Sentinel, 633 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando,
FL 32801
. App ddl 11/15/07.

PRODUCER. Req strong editorial, people skills, know newsroom computers,
internet, satellite, microwave news gathering, pref BA/BS, 2 yrs producer
exp. Resume/ltr/VHS tape of recent newscast/sal hist to WCNC-TV, Human
Resources Department, Re: 07-30, 1001 Wood Ridge Center Drive, Charlotte,
NC 28217-1901

PHOTOJOURNALIST. Weekly newspaper group. Req BA/BS photojournalism/rel,
college newspaper or internship exp, professional digital SLR camera,
lenses, pref local candidates. Resume/ltr/CD w/ news, features, sports
photos/refs to Mark Maguire, NNI Photo Resumes, Neighbor Newspapers, PO Box
, Marietta, GA 30061
. No phone calls.

REPORTER. Cover community events, city council, county govt, schools. Req
BA/BS journalism, know Quark, InDesign, AP style, pref photography skills.
Resume/ltr/clips/refs to Ashley Vansant, Managing Editor, Shelby County
Reporter, PO Box 947, Columbiana, AL 35051; email No phone calls.

PHOTOGRAPHER. Shoot video, still images for features, news, sports
assignments. Req know Photoshop, Photo Mechanic, Soundslides, Windows.
Resume/ltr/20 jpg images/1 multimedia project on CD w/ hard copy of file
info/3 refs to Andrew Shurtleff, Chief Photographer, The Daily Progress, 385
West Rio Road
, Charlottesville, VA 22901

PHOTOGRAPHER. Take photos, cover Capitol Hill, Pentagon, White House,
transmit, caption, digitally process images for print publications, online
components, work on picture desk searching online picture sources, handle
workflow of electronic imagery, archive photos. Req 2 yrs news photography
exp, excel photographic skills incl studio lighting, environmental
portraiture, sports, spot news, interpersonal skills, pref BA/BS, multimedia
exp. Resume/ltr/portfolio to HR/Army Times Publishing Co., 6883 Commercial
Drive, Springfield, VA 22159; email

PET COLUMNIST. Freelance position. Write humorous column on semi-monthly
basis. Req background/exp writing for newspaper, magz, online newsletter,
resident of Northern VA area. Resume/ltr/3 writing samples to Pos in McLean, VA.

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, COMMUNICATIONS. Tenure track, begin fall 2008. Teach
visual communications, new media, multimedia writing or PR, design/tech
lower level course incorporating elements of interpersonal communication,
group communication, public speaking, digital communication. Req PhD
communications/journalism/new media/rel. Resume/ltr/stmt of teaching
philosophy/transcripts/3 ref ltrs to Dr. Timothy G. O¹Rourke, Vice President
for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College, Virginia Wesleyan College,
1584 Wesleyan Drive, Norfolk, VA 23502. Review begins 10/29/07.
01/08. Teach web, new media, digital media production. Req PhD new
media/rel or MA/MS new media/rel + 5 yrs exp, teaching exp in new media
journalism, web design, development, digital communication, internet
broadcasting, MAC, PC skills, know software in areas of digital audio, video
editing, animation, web design. Resume/ltr/3 ref ltrs/transcripts to Dr.
Jamie M. Byrne, Director, School of Mass Communication, University of
Arkansas at Little Rock, 2801 South University Avenue, Little Rock, AR
72204, Ref: Job #408.

WRITING GENERALIST. Tenure track, asst professor, begin 08/08. Teach
fiction, professional writing incl new media, technical writing, biz
writing. Pref PhD; will consider MFA. Resume/ltr/writing sample/stmt of
educational philosophy/transcripts/3 rec ltrs sent under separate cover to
James W. Hood, Chair, English Department, c/o Fred Devine, Director of Human
Resources, Guilford College, 5800 W. Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27410.
App ddl 11/05/07.

ENGLISH FACULTY. Asst professor, begin spring 2008. Teach developmental,
college level Eng writing courses, develop courses, programs. Req
background in teaching composition, rhetoric, pref PhD Eng, teaching exp.
App avail at Send
resume/ltr/app thru state website. Send transcripts/rec ltrs to For info contact Mrs. Kathy Comer, Human Resources
Analyst, Human Resource Office, John Tyler Community College, 13101
Jefferson Davis Highway
, Chester, VA 23831
. Job Code: F0041. App ddl

PROOFREADER. Ensure style points are followed, track returned corrections
from authors, serve as authors¹ production contact, assist w/ peripheral
production tasks. Req AA/AS, 1 yr office exp, strong computer,
communication skills, know Excel, PowerPoint, Web-based database mgmt.
Resume/ltr to Dawn Lewis, American Society of Clinical Oncology, 1900 Duke
Street, #200, Alexandria, VA 22314;; email
App ddl 11/03/07. (From 09/21/07 issue)

COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR. Enhance web presence, incl content, graphics,
develop/manage web materials, content, online database, develop newsletter
content, design/produce print materials, fliers, brochures, directors. Req
excel communication, computer skills, know publication/printing industry,
customer service skills, pref photography skills. Lo-mid $30s.
Resume/ltr/sal req to Fairfax Bar Association/Foundation, 4110 Chain Bridge
Road, #303, Fairfax, VA 22030; fax 703-273-1274;; email App ddl 11/05/07. (From 09/21/07 issue)


advanced editing, newspaper, magz design, some web design, advise students.
Req exp at professional publication, pref MA/MS, online exp, teaching exp.
Complete form at, Requisition #070717.
Resume/ltr/app/representative publications/teaching evaluations, 3 rec ltrs
to Charlyne Berens, Chair, News-Editorial Department, College of Journalism
and Mass Communications, 238 Andersen Hall, University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
Lincoln, NE 68588-0474; email

EDUCATION REPORTER. Cover schools, school district issues, write enterprise
stories, features. Resume/ltr/samples to Editor Jeff Rogers, Monroe Times,
PO Box 230, Monroe, WI 53566; fax 608-328-4217; email

MORNING ANCHOR. Deliver morning newscasts, write/report for newscasts, live
shots or field anchor as needed, edit stories, make public
appearances/community involvement, front station promos, develop contacts in
community. Req 3 yrs on-air anchoring or reporting exp, 1 yr exp as FT
anchor, producing exp, excel writing, communication, orgz, delivery,
production, presentation, reportorial skills, know journalistic standards
rel to on-air presentation of news. Resume/ltr/tape to Megan Rushmore, News
Director, Journal Broadcast Group, WGBA-TV, 1391 North Road, Green Bay, WI
54314; email

NONLINEAR EDITOR. PT. Req Avid News Cutter exp, sound news judgment, exp,
driver¹s license, willingness to work all shifts, pref BA/BS, news
photography exp. Resume/ltr/tape or DVD to NBC25, EEO Officer, PNE103, 2225
W. Willard Road
, Clio, MI 48420
. App ddl 11/16/07.

COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER. Recruit, enroll, manage volunteer members, manage
communications w/ program partners, manage website content, research/develop
info materials incl website content, newsletters, annual reports, orgz
literature, coordinate special projects, develop mktg, communication
strategies, coordinate meetings, special events, conferences. Req strong
writing, editing, orgz, interpersonal skills, know MS Office, pref BA/BS,
1-2 yrs communications exp, nonprofit exp, exp in health-rel area, foreign
language/graphic design skills. Resume/ltr/writing sample to Deborah Ervin,
The Center for International Rehabilitation, 211 East Ontario Street, #300,
Chicago, IL 60611; email App ddl 12/04/07.

FEATURES WRITER. Interview youth, develop stories on young people living in
Mercy Home, detail outcomes of donor-funded initiatives, identify program
needs, manage e-newsletter, coordinate, distribute weekly e-newsletter,
manage youth story, biographical database, manage biannual process of youth
portrait shoots. Req BA/BS, journalism, communication, presentation, orgz,
MS Office, photographic skills, commitment to abused, neglected, troubled
youth, driver¹s license. Resume/ltr to Human Resources, Mercy Home for Boys
&Girls, 1140 W. Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60607; fax 312-738-9981; email

Teach mass communication, possibly teach advertising, audience research,
internet advertisement, quantitative research methods. Req PhD,
social/behavioral science background, expertise in mass communication.
Resume/ltr/transcripts/3 rec ltrs/2 samples of scholarly research/evidence
of teaching effectiveness to Gary Pettey, Search Committee Chair, School of
Communication, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH 44115; email

REPORTER. Develop sources, break stories, produce TV, web content. Req
investigative skills. Resume/ltr/tape including story you turned in
yesterday to Patti McGettigan, News Director, WOOD TV, 120 College Avenue
SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503; email No phone calls.

advertising, PR. Req PhD, teaching exp in multimedia platform, professional
exp; will consider ABD. Resume/ltr/transcripts/3 refs to Dr. Barbara
DeSanto, APR, Fellow PRSA, Professor & Chair, Mass Media Department,
Washburn University, 1700 SW College Avenue, Topeka, KS 66621. Review
begins 12/15/07.

PUBLIC RELATIONS INTERNSHIP. 10-week position. Gain hands-on exp, assist
w/ program research, media relations, media list development, program
analysis, evaluation. Req know communication, mktg, PR, strong writing
skills, completion of daily newspaper internship. Resume/ltr describing
career goals, internship objectives/7 clips showing copy editing, headline
writing, design skills. Resume/ltr to Mr. Dana S. Eagles, Staff Development
Editor, Orlando Sentinel, 633 N. Orange, Orlando, FL 32801. App ddl
11/15/07. No emails.

PHOTOJOURNALIST. Produce hi-impact still photos, daily galleries, assist w/
video production. Req advance digital skills, orgz skills, pref Avid Xpress
pro exp. Resume/ltr/portfolio (pref electronic link) to Kenneth Amos,
Multimedia & Presentation Editor, The Cincinnati Enquirer, 312 Elm Street,
Cincinnati, OH 45202; email

COPY EDITOR. Edit copy, design pages for news/features copy desk. Req
strong editing skills, know Quark, Photoshop, Illustrator or Freehand.
Resume/ltr/design samples (pref on CD in pdf or jpeg format)/refs to Lincoln
Journal Star, Human Resources, 926 P Street, Lincoln, NE 68508. (Note: App
ddl close to press time.)

GUIDEBOOK WRITER. Contract position. Write Michigan guidebook. Req know
state¹s attractions, ability to provide strategic planning advice for
travelers, exp writing about Michigan, update book every 2-3 yrs. Advance,
royalty. Email resume/ltr/5 clips to (subj:
Moon Michigan). No phone calls.

SPORTS REPORTER. Focus on local sports, cover 14 high schools, small
college, take photos, paginate. Req writing skills, pref digital
photography, Quark. Resume/ltr/clips/refs to Editor Matt Getts, The
News-Sun, PO Box 39, Kendallville, IN 46755; email

FILM AND VIDEO FACULTY. Teach filmmaking, animation incl core courses,
advanced courses in specialized concentrations, advise students, create
curriculum, assist w/ students¹ independent projects. Req PhD, record of
professional achievement, exp w/ professional animation production, know
traditional film formats, rel digital media, pref exp in integration of
animation w/ live action. Resume/ltr to Columbia College Chicago, Film &
Video Faculty, Reference #1018/1019 Search, 600 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago,
IL 60605
; email; App ddl 11/05/07.

WEEKEND ANCHOR/PRODUCER. 3 days/week general assignment reporting, anchor
on weekends. Resume/ltr/DVD or VHS tape to Human Resources, CBS4, 231 18th
, Rock Island, IL 61201
. App ddl 11/08/07.

WEEKEND METEOROLOGIST/WEEKDAY REPORTER. Req dedication to weather, ability
to develop long-term weather strategy. Resume/ltr/DVD or VHS tape to Human
Resources, CBS4, 231 18th Street, Rock Island, IL 61201. App ddl 11/08/07.

COMMUNITY REPORTER. Develop enterprise prices, in-depth projects, features.
Req newspaper exp, excel writing skills; recent grads considered.
Resume/ltr/samples to Mike Bailey, Managing Editor, The Courier News, PO Box
531, Elgin, IL 60121; email No phone calls.


PUBLICITY ASSISTANT. Answer phones, arrange travel, send out press breaks,
process invoices, purchase orders, clip articles, set up screenings,
schedule conference calls, meetings. Req BA/BS, strong time mgmt, computer,
interpersonal skills, pref publicity exp. Resume/ltr to HR Department,
Lionsgate, 2700 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90404; fax 310-255-3870.

MORNING ANCHOR. Co-anchor morning newscast, produce/anchor midday newscast,
some live reporting. Req exp anchoring, reporting, producing.
Resume/ltr/VHS tape/writing samples/refs to News Director, KSBW-TV, 238 John
, Salinas, CA 93901
. No phone calls.

GENERAL ASSIGNMENT REPORTER. Emphasis on sports reporting. Req strong
reporting, writing skills, pref BA/BS journalism, 1 yr exp on weekly or
college newspaper, Photoshop, Quark, Unisys, digital camera exp.
Resume/ltr/3 samples to Human Resources, Merced Sun-Star, 3033 N G Street,
Merced, CA 95340;

EDITORIAL ASSISTANT. Req orgz, phone, communication skills, know MS Word,
Excel. Resume/ltr/sal hist to Editor Martin Berg, Daily Journal Corporation,
915 E. First Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012; fax 213-680-1886; email No phone calls, walk-ins.

communications activities, act as webmaster, oversee technology planning,
assist w/ orgz mktg, edit/compile materials, design/produce brochures,
flyers. Req AA/AS, office exp, excel orgz, spelling, proofing, computer
skills, pref network admin exp, know HTML, desktop, InDesign exp. Travel.
$30K-$40K. Resume/ltr to Beth Harvey, Northwest Regional Primary Care
Association, 6512 23rd Avenue NW, #305, Seattle, WA 98117; fax
206-783-4311;; email No phone calls.
App ddl 10/26/07.

ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR. Cover general assignments, copy edit stories, proof
pages. Req know AP style, pref exp in multimedia reporting, video.
Resume/ltr/clips/refs to Lori Thomson, Juneau Empire, 3100 Channel Drive,
Juneau, AK 99801
; email

STREAMING VIDEO INTERN. 4 hours/week. Training provided. Req HS grad,
enrollment in college or degree program, PC/MAC skills, interest in content,
public broadcasting. Unpaid position; possible college credit. Resume/ltr
to KCTS Television, 401 Mercer Street, Seattle, WA 98109; fax 206-443-6691;
email (subj: Streaming Video Intern).

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, PHOTOJOURNALISM. Tenure track, begin 08/08. Teach
still, video photojournalism, print/web design, multimedia, research,
produce creative work in photojournalism, multimedia fields. Pref MA/MS
journalism/rel, 5 yrs professional journalism exp; will consider BA/BS +
natl reputation in photojournalism, multimedia storytelling.
Resume/ltr/portfolio to Keith Graham, Chair, Search Committee, The
University of Montana School of Journalism, 32 Campus Drive, Missoula, MT
59812. Review begins 11/15/07.

COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATE. Coordinate dissemination strategies for
publications, e-news alerts, reports, research, write stories for
publications, website, coordinate photo shoots for media partnerships,
newsletter articles, oversee production, quality control of design, content,
manage publications, photography archives. Req BA/BS
communications/PR/journalism/Eng, 3-5 yrs communications/PR exp, know design
principles, excel orgz, communication, interpersonal skills, know MS Office,
pref interest in philanthropic, nonprofit health sectors. Resume/ltr/sal
hist to Human Resources, The California Wellness Foundation, 6320 Canoga
Avenue, #1700, Woodland Hills, CA 91367; fax 818-702-1999; email App ddl 11/01/07.

STAFF WRITER. Report, interview, cover beats. Req excel Eng language
skills, pref newspaper exp; will consider recent journalism grads.
Resume/ltr/samples to Human Resources, Carlsbad Current-Argus, PO Box 1629,
Carlsbad, NM 88221; email No phone calls.

VIDEOTAPE EDITOR. Edit using DVC-Pro, Edit Star nonlinear editing eqt,
gather info about news in southern NV, answer phones. Req know DVC-Pro,
Betacam, nonlinear editing systems, ability to edit video for newscasts,
news judgment, education in video production/journalism or exp.
Resume/ltr/tape to Toby Heinze, Videotape Editor Search, KVBC, Channel 3,
1500 Foremaster lane, Las Vegas, NV 89101. No phone calls, emails, faxes,
links to videos.

COPY EDITOR/PAGE DESIGNER. Proof, layout pages, write headlines. Req
BA/BS, academic or professional journalism exp, know AP style, pref copy
editing, page design exp, Photoshop skills. Resume/ltr/samples to News
Editor Evan Gibbard, Vail Daily, PO Box 81, Vail, CO 81658; email

FREELANCE WRITER. Research, write analytical news stories on daily basis
for biz intelligence website. Req 2 yrs journalistic exp in technology,
media, telecoms sector, excel Eng writing skills. Email resume/ltr/writing
samples to Tom O¹Meara, StrategyEye, San Francisco, CA,

RHETORIC AND COMPOSITION PROFESSOR. Tenure track, begin 08/08. Teach
frosh, junior-level communication skills courses, lead 4-week
research-oriented seminar. Req PhD rhetoric/composition/rel, teaching exp
in composition, pref exp teaching non-native Eng speakers. Resume/ltr/3 rec
ltrs/samples of teaching evaluations/writing sample/stmt of teaching
philosophy to Rhetoric and Composition Position, c/o Edward M. Feasel, PhD,
Dean of Faculty, Soka University of America, 1 University Drive, Aliso
Viejo, CA 92656; fax 949-480-4027; email App ddl

GRAPHIC DESIGNER. Design ads. Req Quark, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop
skills. $30K. Resume/ltr/samples to Rachelle Johnson, Wyoming
Tribune-Eagle, 702 W. Lincolnway, Cheyenne, WY 82001; email

Design, create brochures, one-pages on country activities, reports, printed
materials, make updates, edits to website, work on design projects w/
outside consultants. Req BA/BS graphic design/ graphic communication/rel,
exp in online, print design, know software tools for print, online design,
HTML exp. Resume/ltr/sal hist/3 refs/available date to Farshad Rastegar,
Relief International, 1575 Westwood Blvd, #201, Los Angeles, CA 90024; fax
310-478-1212; email App ddl 11/02/07.

NEWS EDITOR. Design pages, write headlines, lead desk.
Resume/ltr/samples/refs to James G. Wright, Editor, Times-News, PO Box 548,
Twin Falls, ID 83303;; email

OUTDOOR WRITER. Contract position. Write outdoors Montana/Wyoming/Idaho
guidebook. Req live in or near Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, passion for camping,
outdoors, pref professional outdoor writing exp. Update book every 2 yrs.
Advance, royalty. Email resume/ltr/5 clips to
(subj: Moon Outdoors Montana/Wyoming/Idaho). No phone calls.

COMMUNITY NEWS REPORTER. Req excel writing skills. Resume/ltr/sal req to
NCW Media, Inc, Attn: Publisher, PO Box 39, Leavenworth, WA 98826; fax
509-548-4789; email

FREELANCE REPORTERS/WRITERS. Report, write profiles of influential
journalist for online biographical service. Req weekday availability,
computer research skills, pref Factiva, Nexis skills. $15-$30/hour. Email
resume/ltr to No phone calls, Pos in Beverly Hills, CA

COPY EDITOR. Edit copy, design pages, write headlines, proof pages, post
stories online. Req 2 yrs daily newspaper exp, strong editing, grammar,
proofing skills. Resume/ltr/samples to Bob Moore, Executive Editor,
Coloradoan, 1300 Riverside Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80524; email

ANCHOR/REPORTER. Enterprise hard news stories, work beats. Req 2 yrs
reporting, anchoring exp, live skills. Resume/ltr/VHS tape to Sue Stephens,
News Director, KOAT-TV, 3801 Carlisle Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107.

COPY EDITOR. Proof, edit copy, check proofs thru stages, log/traffic work
thru copy dept, coordinate w/ managing editorial, production staff. Req
copy editing exp, know AP style, InDesign, Word for MAC. Resume/ltr/sal req
to Adi Hess, Muscle and Fitness, 21100 Erwin Street, Woodland Hills, CA
; fax 818-884-0371; email

ASSOCIATE EDITOR. Write, edit for beauty site. Req background in
communications, journalism, online media, local resident, pref professional
exp in beauty, skincare world. Resume/ltr to Mr. Danny Feekes, Sugar Inc,
580 Market, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104; email No phone calls.

division courses, incl courses for EOP students, advanced writing courses in
humanities, social sciences, professional areas. Req PhD, college teaching
exp, pref research, publications record. Resume/ltr/ref ltrs to Chair,
Writing Program Appointments Committee, University of California, Santa
Barbara, CA 93106-3010; App ddl 11/09/07. (From
09/21/07 issue)


class on biz research writing at PhD level. Req DBA or PhD
leadership/mgmt/admin/intl biz/accounting/info systems/Eng/rel, exp w/ APA
format, exp on dissertation committee, 2 yrs exp in leadership role in
mid-upper mgmt in corp, public, nonprofit orgz, 1 yr teaching exp at PhD
level, resident of US. Email resume/ltr to Catherine L. Tompkins, Online
Faculty Recruitment, Argosy University,
FREELANCE WRITERS. Write How To articles for website; write on topics of
choice, publish immediately using online publishing tools. Pay based on
quality, readership value of content. To start publishing, contact

NEWS EDITOR. Write, edit, run dept. Req exp, ability to relocate quickly.
Email resume/ltr to Prague Post, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC,;

FREELANCE AUTHORS. Work for hire position; no royalties. Assist w/ project
for educational book company. Req research skills, pref know pop culture,
pref exp. Email resume/ltr/writing sample to Red Line Editorial, Inc,

COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR. Develop, update Eng language descriptions of
programs, projects for ecosystem conservation, rel community development
programs, manage Eng website, write/edit written proposals in Eng to
foundations, intl aid agencies, addl funding sources, assist w/
communications w/ intl donors. Req BA/BS, love nature, exp w/ field
programs in Latin America, commitment to conservation, excel Eng language
speaking/writing skills, know project design, structure, exp working in
environmental conservation, orgz, computer skills. Resume/ltr in Eng to
Nature and Culture International, 1400 Maiden Lane, Del Mar, CA 92014;
email App ddl 11/15/07. Pos in Loja,

Good luck!

Next Issue: Nov. 16, 2007


From the National Association of Black Journalists list serve. Another example of how memberships in professional associations can assist in career networking and development!

-- LSJ

“NOW” ON PBS: At the show I just left (NOW on PBS), there's a program set up directly for Black students to intern in the fall, winter, and summer-- and PAID well. It's through the National Black Programming Consortium and it really gives you a good background in long-form news stories, especially since interns end up doing what some APs don't even get to do on other shows. If you have any detailed questions, feel free to email me at If you want to apply, just check in with NBPC.

-Khadijah White

Sherlon Christie wrote:

NABJ annually awards summer internships to students committed to journalism careers. Successful candidates are offered paid positions in print, broadcast or online disciplines at selected news organizations around the country ranging from small black-owned weekly newspapers to major market dailies and broadcast outlets.

In the past, NABJ interns have worked at places such as Bloomberg News, The Associated Press, The Seattle Times, The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C., CBS, National Public Radio and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The application deadline is December 3, 2007.

DRUM TV: We are looking for reporters, hosts, camera persons, editors, writers etc to help put out a weekly NEWS / Magazine show on out Internet TV station We are up and running right now but we need a team of volunteers to keep the material fresh. This is a great way to gain experience and create a reel of your work.

Outside of NY??? We will be setting up a system for you to contribute from anywhere. Stay Tuned.

If you're interested, email me, or give me a call. We have equipment and will train you as needed.

Richard Martin



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